
Incompletable Puzzle Bug

Game: OSLO:2084

Platform: Steam

Version: 1.01

Description: The right corner piece in the "UNITY" Puzzle mini-game does not complete itself when placed in the correct spot


  1. Start 'Level Four'
  2. Play puzzle mini-game until you find the UNITY puzzle
  3. Attempt to solve puzzle

Results: The last corner piece will not lock into place and you cannot complete puzzle

Expected Results: All puzzle pieces should lock into place when put in correct spot


Please see attachments for details.

Train "Invisible Floor" Bug

Game: OSLO:2084

Platform: Steam

Version: 1.01

Description: The front of the train has an "invisible floor" allowing you to "walk on air"


  1. Start 'Level Three'
  2. Play until train scene
  3. Walk to front of Train
  4. Continue to walk off train

Results: You are able to "walk on air"

Expected Results: You should fall to your death


Please see attachments for details.


Train Timer Bug

Game: OSLO:2084

Platform: Steam

Version: 1.01

Description: Letting the timer run down to zero before continuing through the dialog does not trigger the "ran out of time" fail state


  1. Start 'Level Three'
  2. Play until you go through air vent and enter the train scene
  3. Let the timer run down to zero with the dialog box still open
  4. Click "continue" through the dialog after timer runs out

Results: You will still be able to stop the train but the ledge to continue to the next level wont spawn

Expected Results: Moppy should tell you you didn't stop the train in time and make you restart/skip [fail state]


*Might have to wait ~30 seconds to do Step 4 for the bug to trigger  

Please see attachments for details.

Autofeeder "Configuration Panel" doesn't have "interact" UI text

Game: OSLO:2084

Platform: Steam

Version: 1.01

Description: The game doesn't indicate the autofeeder configuration panel is interactable


  1. Start 'Level Two'
  2. Go to autofeeder's configuration panel

Results: UI text telling you it is intractable doesn't trigger

Expected Results: UI text should pop up telling you it is interactive like all
other interactable objects


Please see attachments for details.

Cryptodisk icon Bug

Game: OSLO:2084

Platform: Steam

Version: 1.01

Description: The cryptodisk under the autofeeder doesn't disappear after decrypted


  1. Start 'Level Two'
  2. Decrypt cryptodisk that is located under autofeeder

Results: the icon will remain after decryption

Expected Results: the icon disappears like the others after decrypted


Please see attachments for details.


Cryptodisks "decrypt" mini-game will auto-complete during new playthroughs

Game: OSLO:2084

Platform: Steam

Version: 1.01

Description: The player will only be able to decrypt cryptodisks via mini-game once, as they will auto-complete during future playthroughs


  1. Decrypt the Cryptodisks in 'Level 2' and complete level
  2. Replay 'Level 2'
  3. Decrypt the Cryptodisks

Results: Decryptions will auto-complete without being able to play mini-game

Expected Results: Replaying a level should have replayable quests/tasks


Please see attachments for details.

Cryptodisks quest doesn't register as complete

Game: OSLO:2084

Platform: Steam

Version: 1.01

Description: Collecting all 5 cryptodisks doesn't register as complete


  1. Go to level 2
  2. Collect all 5 cryptodisks
  3. Proceed to level 3

Results: Moppy will warn you you haven't found all five of the cryptodisks yet

Expected Results: the find 5 cryptodisks quest should be completed


Please see attachments for details.